Wednesday 1 October 2014

Bashar Al-Assad is the main Syrian terrorist

Le Pentagone a annoncé, le 24 septembre, que les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés arabes effectuaient en Syrie de nouvelles frappes aériennes sur des positions de l'Etat islamique.

 Yassin Al-Haj Saleh (physician, intellectual and Syrian oppositionist, imprisoned by the regime in Damascus for sixteen years):

 "Obama confirms his inability to provide an adequate policy when he reduces the situation to a Sunni-Shiite confrontation instead of mentioning the socio-political dimension of the conflict and the exceptional injustice that permeates the area. By assigning our struggle a meaningless old feud, this powerful man robs us of our cause, anything that has to do with justice, freedom, equality and human dignity."

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